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  • Writer's pictureCalifornia Dreaming

Welcome to Vuka Valley Headquarters from a feathered point of view

Updated: Feb 7, 2022

Good day to you, my name’s Senior Cock A Doodle Doo and I am here to tell you, along with Mr ‘Qhude and the crew, our version of this Vuka Valley excursion. Follow along as we explain a lifestyle lived not in vain.

Here at Headquartes we love our greens and share them with the whole team. Our days consist of living in bliss, snacking through the day and watching the Beakless Ones at play. As our blog expands, we can meet demands of any questions found and spread an answer for the whole world ‘round. Please send us a line if you have a question about a tree, leaf, or vine or really anything living in natural time.

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