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In this topic we discuss the various stations required to effectively grow food in any home.

The applications are all based on Recycle, Free Resource, Water-wise & Low-effort approaches.


The work stations covered are:

The Kitchen

Catching & processing seeds & cuttings

The Lounge

Packaging & storing your seed bank

The Porch

Preparing & maintaining a nursery for seedlings & cuttings

The Backyard

Composting, Livestock manure & Healthy soil

The Garden

A water-wise & ergonomic approach to beds & trenches


Listed below is an overview of several passive & active systems that harvest & use various types of water found in the average home.


The water sources that we consider are:

From the Pipe

A look at Water Security through storing & treating municipal pipeline water

From the Sky

A focus on Rainwater catchment & 1st Flush systems as an addition to pipeline water storage

From the Home

An understanding of the various water types produced by the built environment

From the Air

Various High-tech & Low-tech means of extracting water from the atmosphere

From the Ground

Ways to access deep & shallow ground water, storm water & river water


Listed below are various types of energy systems that we rely on & ways to create, repair, modify & maintain them.


The energy applications represented are:

The Sun

A look at Sun light, Sun heat & Sun power

The Engine

Understanding both internal combustion & external combustion engines & their uses

The Fuel

Considering Biodiesel & Wood fire Engines

The Fire

Wood-gas stoves & Bio-digestors

The Body

Human energy systems & tool modifications


Listed below are the various ways in which we can create structures in safe & ‘low-footprint’ ways using recycle & local resources along with passive & active, low-tech & high-tech water & energy systems.


The shelter approaches considered are:
Considering immediate, robust & affordable site occupation.
Earthen Building
Touching on various types of Straw & Clay uses
The use of cement for sculpting facilities & fittings
Removable Foundations
Anchoring into the ground & leaving nothing but footprints
Decks, Pergolas & Latices
Raised Platforms & Structures made from natural as well as recycled materials & local resources

How to grow Food in any home

Listed below are the various stations required to effectively grow food in any home.

The applications are all based on Recycle, Free Resource, Water-wise & Low-effort approaches.


The work stations are:

The Kitchen

Catching & processing seeds & cuttings

The Lounge

Packaging & storing your seed bank

The Porch

Preparing & maintaining a nursery for seedlings & cuttings

The Backyard

Composting, Livestock manure & Healthy soil

The Garden

A water-wise & ergonomic approach to beds & trenches.

in the kitchen







at the desk

seed sorting


seed storage


in the garden


grass; grub farm; chicken bedding; mulch; compost;

Biomass is anything organic e.g. kitchen waste, grass-cuttings, reeds, leaves, wood, manure, and some garbage. Biomass is a renewable energy source, organic material made from plants and animals. Waste will always exist. Grass cuttings on plants also assist in retaining moisture. Atmospheric moisture and rain collects in trenches that are lined with plastic sheets and filled with green waste. Garden cuttings also protect young plants from harsh weather conditions. A large heap of garden waste that is in the process of decomposition, generates so much heat, that you can heat up water in a sealed container by placing it inside the pile of compost.



Biochar is very light wood charcoal filled with tiny holes. It soaks up and holds water, cultivates microbial life, cleans the water, fixes nitrogen in the soil, complements earthworm population density and improves soil health. It is also a water filter medium and a health supplement that is swallowed in the form of capsules to absorb toxins. Even monkeys know this: they eat charcoal in nature when they have an upset stomach.



conturing; special tools (long spade, hooked spade)



Natural and artificial wind barriers; insect barriers, evaporation barriers.


pioneer plants


in the nursery

Preparing seed trays


Applications & Projects

community initiative


Shelter Applications & Projects

solar pergola


timber & clay


491 carport


for download:

Vuka Valley is the KZN & South Coast Agent
for a waterless toilet called the ZerHo.
It creates a lot of opportunities in Agroecology & Eco-tourism


Vuka Valley's
Waterless Toilet Presentation


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